SUPPORTING people using CANNABIS as a complementary and alternative THERAPY

"Shari is knowledgeable, empathetic and approachable. She took her time with me and asked me about my overall health and goals. Shari educated me about cannabis for pain, products for longer-term relief and sleep issues after my surgery."
"I enjoyed our session very much! You really brought a ton of information to think about when treating the side effects of my cancer treatment. Your notes were very thorough and are a great guide for me to use!"
"We can't begin to tell you how wonderful Shari's presentation was and the fact that she was sharing her own personal journey made it even more powerful. We learned so much."
"It has been a week of fabulous sleep. Boy, life is better looking through a set of well-rested eyes. I honestly can't thank you enough. You saved my life!"
"My wife had her 1st round of chemo and did great! She was relaxed and prepared. Shari, I really think your education made a difference with her and how well she is doing so far. Thank you so much."
Cannabis, including CBD from hemp, may provide a positive effect on the human body and be used as an alternative or adjunct therapy. It may help with pain, nausea, inflammation, anxiety, sleep as well as many other conditions. In addition to CBD and THC, cannabis contains hundreds of other compounds, each with different medical effects.
I am your starting point, your personal guide and am here to provide you with the best information possible before trying plant medicine. My goal is to help you use cannabis safely and effectively.

I am an educator and patient leader whose mission is to advocate for patients in all areas of healthcare. As a two-time cancer patient, I have researched a variety of therapies, including cannabis, which helped me deal with nausea, pain, sleep and anxiety.
I have a Master of Science degree in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics from the University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy. I am a published author and national speaker on topics concerning improving the patient experience.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Co-chair, Adult Patient Family Advisory Council
National Academy of Medicine
The Beryl Institute. Co-Chair, Global Patient Family Advisory Council
The Patient Experience Policy Forum. Founder and Co-Chair

Whether you are brand new to cannabis
or have been experimenting for a while and are looking to maximize the benefits, I can help you reach your goals. We'll work together and I will educate you on delivery methods, dosage protocols and products.
I'll teach you how to tune into your body to get the most from your medicine. If you require medical certification I will help you find the right person to work with.
Many people over the age of 50 are turning to cannabis, and CBD, in particular, because it offers a safer alternative to harmful medications that often come with intense side effects. Without a credible education, many people find themselves confused as to how to try cannabis for their symptoms. I am here to educate and help you navigate the market.

We will determine your goals and discuss my services prior to paid consult

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